If you’ve ever had to battle a stuck zipper, then you know how frustrating it can be. A broken zipper or stuck zipper can keep you from getting into your favorite clothes and accessories.
Why zippers get stuck?
Zippers can get stuck for several reasons. They may snag on a bit of fabric or one of the teeth gets out of line or the metal or plastic teeth break or become a bit worn.

How to Unstick a Zipper
Stop Struggling
If you feel the zipper not moving smoothly, stop zipping before you make it worse! Examine the problem before you take action.
How to unstick a zipper stuck on fabric?
Slowly Retract the Fabric
If a fabric is stuck in the zipper, pull it away gently. Apply pulling motion, not zipper, to the fabric. To get a better grip using needle-nose pliers or tweezers.
Do not pull on the zipper.
Zipper pulling may separate the teeth, especially on zippers with plastic or nylon teeth. Ease the fabric slowly from the zipper slider and move the zipper pull tab steadily up or down for final release.

Pro tip: Place the zipper slider in place of the tiny pull tab by the neck, which is closer to the zipper teeth. This will offer more power and influence.

How to unstick a zipper that’s off track? Realign the Zipper Teeth
If zipper teeth look out of place, use your finger, if possible, to smooth them back together.
Inspect the Zipper and Garment
Check along the zipper before rezipping to ensure the fabric is shifted away from the zipper and any loose threads have been removed.
Tips to Keep the Zip in Your Zipper
- Protecting zippers and keeping them functioning properly, always close them tightly and turn the clothes inside out before washing.
- Brush the teeth with the lead of a Number 2 pencil for metal zippers which are not running smoothly. The “lead” is actually graphite, so it will help lubricate the metal teeth so make it easier for the zipper slider to travel around. Rubbing the zipper teeth with a soap bar should do likewise.
- Even you can use a bit of WD-40 lubricant to make the metal zippers travel smoother. Spray the lubricant onto a cotton swab and gently apply it to keep the dress fabric from staining.
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