In many spiritual traditions, the evil eye can curse not just individuals but also homes and properties. Luckily, there are ways to safeguard your space from envious glares and intentions. Displaying evil eyes amplifies protection to bless your home with light.

Above Doorways
Hang a Nazar amulet above entrances like front doors, garages, patio doors to block negativity from passing through thresholds.
Position it at eye level so all who enter must meet its gaze first.
Beneath Windows
Since windows allow outside eyes to peer in, place evil eyes beneath on window sills to keep watch. Opt for small, subtle charms so they blend in.
Keep your interior insight guarded.
In Entryways
Welcome guests with an eye in the main entryway. Framing one beautifully on the wall greets visitors with protection. Or add an eye charm to a vase.
First impressions matter—make it an eye!

Corner of Rooms
Position evil eye hangings high in room corners diagonally. Like security cameras, their angles allow optimal perspective to spot incoming curses.
The Askew vantage point enhances coverage.
Mark Boundaries
Bury evil eye tokens around the perimeter of your property to mark its boundaries. Use small stones engraved with the eye to dot key spots.
This creates an invisible protective border.
Embrace evil eyes throughout your home for security only an ancient Turkish amulet can provide! Let their timeless magic keep your space peaceful.

Hang it at your entrance to nullify bad energies from entering your house. The evil eye can also be placed in a living room. Its direction should be opposite to that of guests. For example, if guests sit in the east, the evil eye should be in the west.
According to Vastu experts, the best place to put the Evil Eye is to hang it in your home. The most common one is the Blue eye, which can protect your house from jealousy and guard your family.
How to remove nazar at home?
Daily recitation of the Gayatri mantra and the Hanuman Chalisa protects one from bad spirits and the evil eye.
To shield themselves from the evil eye, women and children wear kohl.
Burn Guggul, Loban, and Camphor together and disperse the smoke throughout the house or office.
The evil eye symbol helps protect against curses, negative energy, and ill will. Wearing an amulet as jewelry can be a way to protect yourself, as well as hanging or displaying one in an area in the home.